Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Slaughterama Slaughters Drama

I just wanted something that rhymed with "rama".  But as far as I've seen, there is no drama at Slaughterama events (unless you count rushing to give someone medical aid).

I know I’m losing touch with the my gritty side (as far as this blog goes) so I wanted to give a shout out to the Slaughterama people this year.  I’d hoped to make it out to the main event, but adult scheduling is a bitch.  Even the preparty was tough to make because, 1) I had to leave this:
And 2) I was in the middle of packing for a big move:
(pain in my ass...)
But anyway, so I only made it to the preparty, but had a blast.  Especially down in the basement.  This is a “You gotta know someone” event in order to get the times and locations (bc hey, it’s  basically a huge friend network and everyone’s just hanging out doing the dumb s*** they’d normally be doing separate, together) but if you’re interested in bikes, beer, babes, blood and ….butts? Lol, no, but jousting, and BMX chicken, etc. then I encourage you to try to find and go to this event next year.  F’reals.

For now, here are some pics from the Slaughterama preparty that took place on April 3rd this year. F***in right.

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