Monday, November 2, 2015

HalloWEEEEEEEEn 2015!

I'm sure we all had a blast this weekend (at least I certainly hope we did).  So here's my quick FYI/in case you were wondering/it was fun and I'm still riding the high recap of my Halloween experience this year.

Side note:  every year I try to watch at least one scary movie every day for the month of October.  This year I accidentally started early and began watching one to three scary movies a day midway through September, then kept up with the one to three scary movies per day pattern  until the end of the October.  When I go back and calculate, it's gotta be a record (maybe just for me, but still).  But clearly I was in the Halloween spirit and ready to go this year!

I didn't even think about dressing up at the office until the day before, so the costume wasn't formulated until a few minutes before I was leaving for work the morning of the 30th :)  I went through my tub of old costumes and decided on vampire angel.  Why?  I don't know, don't ask questions.  But the fangs weren't staying in so well anymore, so then it was just angel....then hipster angel, with my actual glasses, actual scarf, actual black Chucks, and then a Starbucks cup and my friend's Aziz Ansari book....then I wanted to be a demon angel but the black contacts I brought in only covered my iris and not the whole eye.  So, angel.  Lol, just gonna go with angel.
I even decorated up my desk a little.  And I luved seeing my coworkers costumes!  Ugh it was such a fun amazing morning at the office.  I luv Halloween so much.
Just a little treat waiting for me at my trick.

My plan for the 2nd year in a row was to be Meggytron, the least deadly of the Decepticons and niece to Megatron.  But alas, I did not acquire enough of the specific beer boxes required to complete her suit :(  So at the last minute, I decided to go with Plan B- Ygritte from Game of Thrones!  "You know nothing, Jon Snow!"

So at 10:30 a.m. on actual Halloween day, I set out for Goodwill, then a fabric store that no longer existed in the place it was so switched to a craft store, then a friends house for a bow, my mom's house for some old snowboard pants, and then my dad's house and storage unit (just for some productivity).  I didn't begin working on the costume until near or after 1:00 p.m.
But what a glorious Halloween day it was!
And luckily my friend Marissa knows hair and was able to come by and help me with that.

Then it was off to parties!  To one at my bestie's apartment with a bunch of long time friends, and then another one with good friends that I just haven't known as long but see just as much (if not more).

So here's a random assortment of pics from those parties! Haha, I didn't take many because everyone else was, so I'll just throw everything I've got out here. I hope you all had a fun Halloween, too, whether it was staying in with movies and pizza, trick or treating, or raging hard at a bar or house party.  HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEN EVERYBODY!

Party 1:

Party 2:  (hopefully there are more pics from this one later)

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