Monday, May 18, 2015

The State Fair of Virginia...from last year...

Here are my highlights from the State Fair of Virginia at The Meadow out in Doswell.  It takes place in late September/early October every year, and this year I actually went with my coworkers as a team building exercise on the last Thursday it was open in October (2014).  Because I was with my boss, I felt the need to dial back the beer drinking a bit.  However, my boss is awesome, so there was still a decent amount consumed.  The only thing really affected by the fact that I was with people I work with and not people I get stupid crazy with was the amount of rides I rode probably.
We started by doing a loop of the food, shopping, and animal area between the ride areas.
Then we made our way over to the barns and kiddie section.

On our way back towards the rides, we got to see some of the chainsaw wood carving demos going on.  That was pretty cool.

And of course if there's one thing you have to SEE, it's the...
And we saw a lot of them.
Then when we got to the ride area, it was hard to figure out who wanted to ride, who didn’t, and how many tickets to buy.  Only four of us ended up going on a ride, and it was the ferris wheel (of course – if you only have one ride to ride at a fair, what else would it be?).

                              (^^ so creepy...why?^^)

The best part of the night was right after the ferris wheel when one of my coworkers, who I thought would NEVER do anything fun like this, decided to ride the mechanical bull J We all loved it.  He didn’t do amazing, but he certainly did not do terribly.  And it was the hardest the rest of us had laughed all night.  
 Then we grabbed some fried Reese’s peanut butter cups, shared em, and it was about time to go. 
Of course- all fried everything.

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