This was the longest day of fashion week, but it didn’t
really feel like it to me. I arrived at
The National at 10:15 a.m. We were in
the upstairs area and it was AWESOME (TV with Fashion Police on, chairs, diff
rooms, hot tub room…basically lots of room to hang out).
Hair and make-up was very gradual, with people trickling in throughout the morning and there being no real rush to get everyone done right away. But I went first for hair
because Melanie (Dunn) was doing it first to show the other hair stylists what
she had in mind. It was two French braid
pig tails that met down near the base of my head/neck and formed a bun. Very nice.
But then…the make-up theme was “ice queens”. I didn’t know this until I saw girls coming
out with white all around the eyes and green or orange lipstick. No mascara; no conventional prettiness; no
real sense haha. But I get it- themes
keep things interesting. My only beef is
I went into make-up wearing my own shirt that I’d be wearing all day. It was a deep blue. However, none of my outfits were blue. They were grey/green and black with a copper
bag, and I showed the artists pics of my outfits so they could see exactly what
I meant. Yet still, they chose to make
my lips sky blue. It looked so weird
with my outfits. I wish they had chosen
almost any other color. It wasn’t good weird. It was just WEIRD.
Then for the majority of the day, we had a lot of down
time. We got to park in the parking deck
across from The National for free, so since my car was close I went to
McDonald’s – don’t know why. Fast food
when I’m about to be in a fashion show? Sure, makes total sense (sarcasm).
We all just sat around, chillin’, talkin’, laughin’. It was pretty good times. And the food selection was MUCH better that
day since almost all the models from the week were there.
Run-throughs were done for each store/designer
one-by-one. Then one big run-through and
flood practice. We had to rearrange what
some people were wearing, including me, due to the order of the show. So I had to give up my Fab’rik dress in order
to wear outfits from both GlassBoat and South Moon Under.
Some of the girls and I walked around the corner to a hotel
bar to get some pre-show drinks, and that was really fun. We got to see the bike race that was in town,
as well as get rid of some of our nerves and just chat it up. We also had a bottle of champagne back at The
National J
But then, it was SHOW TIME! (And I swear we weren’t drunk lol No one fell!)
Then the show went pretty seamlessly (at least as far as I
know). We all just walked out, did our
thang, KILLED it IMO, did our quick changes, and went out and did it
again. There were performances from a drum group, a blond female singing duo, and (apparently) a local celebrity who basically does a Stomp type show by making music (beats) with just his body.
(Photo courtesy of JC Vera Photography) (Photo courtesy of Roger Walk Photography)
One of the performance groups warming up before the show
Then me and everyone around me
rapped “Fancy” by Iggy Azalea (it was the song used for the final walk) as we
got in line for the flood.
(Photo courtesy of Roger Walk Photography)
(Photo courtesy of Roger Walk Photography)
Then it was time to give credit where credit is due, and each
member of the RVA Fashion Week board of directors, as well as their
assistants/helpers, got to come out on stage and get their recognition,
appreciation, and round of applause.
Then we were done! It was time to
say “bye” to everyone, exchange the “let’s keep in touch”s, and head out to get
that damn blue lipstick off my face lol J
Stef'anie Thompson
(Photo courtesy of Roger Walk Photography)
(Photo courtesy of Roger Walk Photography)
Melanie Dunn (my favorite)
(Photo courtesy of Roger Walk Photography)
Courtney Coco Culbreath
(Photo courtesy of JC Vera Photography)
Erin Brennan
(Photo courtesy of JC Vera Photography)
(Photo courtesy of Roger Walk Photography)
Courtney Coco Culbreath
(Photo courtesy of JC Vera Photography)
Erin Brennan
(Photo courtesy of JC Vera Photography)
There was the Trunk Showcase the next day, which I stopped
by. But that’s mostly a shopping event
and I really didn’t stay long so I don’t have much to say about it. Sorry lol.
It was cool? :D Yeah!
This was definitely a great experience and I want to thank
those who selected me as a model for giving me the opportunity. The directors did a great job, basically starting
from scratch and building a fashion week that was creative and beautiful and
successful (and sometimes even fun! Haha).
I’m not sure if I’ll do it again next year, mostly bc of my age and
full-time job, but I’m glad I did it this year.
I learned so much and met so many great people! Thank you thank you
thank you to the organizers, stylists, artists, models, designers, and everyone
who came out to support me.
Much love
<3 <3 <3 Keep lookin’ good
bitches ;)
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