River daaaaaaaay! So I missed
the 2nd day of the festival because I didn't want to pay for
single day passes for all three days. So
I stayed at my friend’s river house while he went with our other travel
companion, and I had two friends meet me for a day of docks and drinking. Which
turned out to be an awesome break that I needed before heading back to the
festival for Day 3.
Unknown girl band
We got there when a band was on that apparently wasn’t very into self
promotion. There was no, “Hey we’re
so-and-so and thanks for coming out!” or anything. We could’ve looked at the board with the
bands listed, but eh, we wanted to save a good spot for Matt & Kim…which
turned out to be the best decision EVER.
Matt & Kim
Ok, I didn’t see this coming, but this was hands down my favorite performance
of the entire festival. They are such
energetic positive people!!! And I have
never seen so many beach balls, balloons, and other inflatables in one place in
my life. No exaggeration.

Plus, at this
point in the day some storms were passing by the area (we only got one boom of
thunder) and it kept raining on and off.
It kinda sucked at first, but when Matt and Kim went on, it turned into
the most awesome concert experience I’ve ever had. Hot day + cold water + great entertainers +
great music + dancing = FUNTOWN. They even messed with the crowd at one point by saying, “I can think of only way to bring the sun back” and
started playing the opening of “Daylight”. Everyone went nuts… and then they
were like, “Just kidding we’re not gonna play that yet.” It was pretty funny :) And inbetween a lot of songs, they would play hip hop or dup step songs and just dance on stage (or in Kim’s case, on
her drum set) and the crowd would freak out and break it down.
I really can’t emphasize how awesome of a show it was, or even write all
the little funny things they said or did….maybe I’ll give them their own post

So it was pretty tough to follow up the experience I’d just had seeing Matt
& Kim, but Capital Cities did an ok job, heh :) I’ll cut them some slack
because they're semi-new and kind of breaking onto the scene now. I had only heard
maybe two songs by them before Firefly, and like a lot of other people I was there for “Safe
and Sound”, but I really liked their other songs and intend to download their
whole CD (
Tidal Wave of Mystery). They were really fun, (surprisingly) had choreography that was pretty cool, and definitely got the crowd into the show. Side note:
the trumpet player (Spencer Ludwig) you hear in “Safe and Sound” is a permanent part of
the band, and it was his birthday. Made
it that much more positive and fun :)
So we had just seen Passion Pit in Richmond about two weeks before this, and the lead singer
(Michael Angelakos) was having voice problems and by the end of that
show was basically almost mute. So I was
worried about whether or not he had healed yet…. He had not. He got about three songs into their set
before he started throwing it out there that he was not 100%. But they missed the
festival in 2012 because he was sick in the hospital, so they were bent on getting
there this year and putting on their show. Kudos
to you! However, his voice continued
to deteriorate song by song, and eventually he leveled with the audience and
said they were going to have to cut the show short, BUT they would get out the songs
everyone wanted to hear before they gave up.
The catch was they wanted the most crowd participation ever in helping
sing the songs. It worked a little bit,
but the coolest part was
Angelakos getting down off the stage and running
up and down this path from the stage to the sound booth. I could almost touch him! Even though he was
reeaally sweaty I wanted to! But yeah, then
they ended their set and a mass of people started making their way to Vampire
Weekend all at the same. damn. time. It
was awful. We literally couldn’t move for about 10 minutes, just trying to
This has to be my least favorite show from that weekend. Vampire Weekend already has a chill, relaxing
sound, but their lead singer lacked any sort of energy on stage, making it
almost a chore to stand there and watch them.
The most entertaining thing about this show was looking around at the
crowd and seeing all the drunk and high people dance and throw stuff and be
would’ve gladly participated, but for some reason I passed on a joint that was
handed to me and chose not to drink that day. Oh well.

I was surprised that they were chosen as the closing band for the entire
festival. Kudos to them, but when RHCP
and Tom Petty closed the other two nights, I just expected a huge name. Anyway, I’d already seen Foster in concert
twice and knew we were in for a good show.
I love them because each show I’ve seen has been so different from the
other as far as sets, lights, and theme go.
And this show followed suit. It
was a weird sci-fi feel with tower podiums with people in metallic looking
suits dancing on them and other weird shit.
It was just interesting. PLUS,
most importantly, they debuted new songs that night. I was so excited because I loved their first
CD so much that I’ve been keeping tabs on them and waiting for a follow up.
And judging from the three new songs I heard that night, it’s going to
deliver. They sounded awesome. Still kind of the same music from their first album, but you can tell how it’s starting to venture off into a new area. It’s kind of setting the stage for a new musical direction and opening the door for them to experiment with different sounds. I’m
excited! They of course closed with “Pumped
Up Kicks”, but nobody wanted to believe the show was over. So after the band
left the stage most of the crowd stayed put and started chanting “Encore!”…
but we got none. That was a little bit
of bummer. Not exactly the high note I
wanted to leave the concert on, but still a great show overall.

(BTW Mark Foster was def on something, and was the only artist of the festival who was that obvious about it IMO)
Amazing experience…just not sure I’ll be doing it again
anytime soon…or ever.
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